मधुमेह (डायबीटीज) के उपचार के पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान पर आधारित वैज्ञानिक रपट का एक और पडाव पार

मधुमेह (डायबीटीज) के उपचार के पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान पर आधारित वैज्ञानिक रपट का एक और पडाव पार
- पंकज अवधिया

[इस रपट के विषय में नवीनतम जानकारी के लिए गूगल के माध्यम से सम्बन्धित कड़ियों पर जा सकते हैं| (जून २७, २०१०)



New Useful Links

Oudhia, P. (2010). Research Documents with New Comments 1: Kands of Chhattisgarh, India,
III. Bilai kand (Ipomoea digitata; Convolvulaceae). http://pankajoudhia.com

Oudhia, P. (2010). Research Documents with New Comments 2: Medicinal Herbs of
Chhattisgarh, India having less known traditional uses XXXV. Jaljamini (Cocculus hirsutus,
family: Menispermaceae). http://pankajoudhia.com

Oudhia, P. (2010). Research Documents with New Comments 3: Medicinal herbs of
Chhattisgarh, India having less known traditional uses XXXVIII. Sawan (Echinochloa sp.
Family: Poaceae). http://pankajoudhia.com

Oudhia, P. (2010). Research Documents with New Comments 4: Potential markets of wonder
crop Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum): Some new observations.

Oudhia, P. (2010). Research Documents with New Comments 5: Traditional medicinal
knowledge about common herbs in Chhattisgarh, India: Recent interactions with the herb
vendors of Gandai-Salewara region. http://pankajoudhia.com

Oudhia, P. (2010). Research Documents with New Comments 6: Traditional medicinal
knowledge about less known herbs of Chhattisgarh, India. XXXIX. Nirmali or Kya (Strychnos
potatorum, family Strychnaceae). http://pankajoudhia.com

Oudhia, P. (2010). Research Documents with New Comments 7: Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata,
family: Compositae) as medicinal herb in Chhattisgarh, India. http://pankajoudhia.com

Oudhia, P. (2011). Research Documents with New Comments 8: UNIQUE TRADITIONAL
OF EXTRACT. http://pankajoudhia.com

Oudhia, P. (2011). Research Documents with New Comments 9: Aphrodisiacs of Chhattisgarh:
Traditional Medicinal Knowledge about common herbs used as Sex Tonic in Chhattisgarh, India.

Oudhia, P. (2011). Research Documents with New Comments 10: Traditional medicinal
knowledge about common herbs used for Rheumatism in Chhattisgarh, India.

Oudhia, P. (2011). Research Documents with New Comments 11: Traditional Medicinal
Knowledge about medicinal herb Til (Sesamum indicum) in Chhattisgarh, India.

Potential markets of wonder crop Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum):
Some new observations

Formulations for Sexual Health

Safed Musli based Traditional and Modern Formulations

Traditional Healing and Heart Diseases

Traditional Formulations for Sickle Cell Anemia

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album : सिकल सेल एनीमिया.

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards).Keyword Album: Biodiversity

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards).Keyword Album: Traditional Healing

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards).Keyword Album: Ayurveda

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards).Keyword Album: Diabetes mellitus type 2

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards).Keyword Album: Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards).Keyword Album: Medicinal Plant Database (Diabetes)

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards).Keyword Album: Extra-ordinary Sexual Performances

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards).Keyword Album: Herbal Farming

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards).Keyword Album: लिंग स्थूलीकरण

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards).Keyword Album: सफ़ेद मूसली

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Ethnobotanical surveys

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Diabetes Herbs

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Sex Tonic

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Coronary heart disease

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Kanha-Kisli

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Biodiversity Survey

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Nature Photography

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: जड़ी-बूटियों की खेती

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Organic Herbal Farming

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Rishi-Krishi

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: सफेद मूसली

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Vitiated conditions of Vata and Kapha

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: बच

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Depression

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Carcinoma

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Cancer herbs

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Bronchitis

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Diosgenin

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Emergency Herb

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: A.S.H.

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Throughout India

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Anti-aging

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: भटकटैया

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Nidighika

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Nelamulaka

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Hypertension

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Dental Carries

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Santa Maria

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: गाजर घास

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: रतनजोत

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: बायोडीजल

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Cancer causing plants

Oudhia, P. (2010 onwards). Keyword Album: Chinese castor oil

आज ही मेरे वेबमास्टर का फोन आया कि मधुमेह से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान पर आधारित वैज्ञानिक रपट मे अब दस लाख से अधिक पन्ने हो चुके है। यह निश्चित ही प्रसन्नता का विषय है पर मै दस लाख के आँक़डे को लेकर चिंतित था। क्या सचमुच दस लाख पन्ने की कोई रपट हो सकती है? ठीक से गिना ना? मैने उससे पूछा। हाँ, सर तालिकाए 125 से 150 तक पन्ने की है पर इन्हे 100 के हिसाब से गिना गया तब भी कुल पन्ने दस लाख से अधिक निकले।

मई 2007 से जब मैने फील्ड डायरियो और मेरी अपनी दिमागी हार्ड डिस्क पर संचित ज्ञान को रपट की शक्ल देने का मन बनाया तो एक साल मे तालिकाओ ने ही एक लाख से अधिक पन्ने घेर लिये। शुरु मे गति धीमी रही पर फिर तेजी से काम होने लगा। मुझे याद आता है कि जब मैने बाटेनिकल डाट काम मे लिखना शुरु किया था तब कागज पर शोध आलेख लिखना होता था फिर आपरेटर से टाइप करवाना होता था। एक साल मे 200 शोध आलेख तक पहुँचा और फिर दिन-रात एक करने पर तीन सालो मे 12,000 शोध आलेख लिख पाया। मधुमेह की वैज्ञानिक रपट को पहले दिन से मै कम्प्यूटर के माध्यम से ही तैयार कर रहा हूँ। सचमुच तकनीक का सही सहारा वरदान होता है। मैने कम्प्यूटर सीखा नही है पर लगातार काम करने से बहुत से शार्ट कट पता लग गये।

कुछ महिनो पहले जब मैने मधुमेह के जटिल मामलो पर अध्याय लिखना आरम्भ किया तो बडी तालिकाए बनने लगी। एक तालिका 150 पन्ने तक की होने लगी। एक दिन मे 100 ऐसी तालिकाओ को बनाना और उन्हे इकोपोर्ट मे अपलोड करना आरम्भ किया। हफ्तो तक लगातार काम करने से रपट मे पन्नो की संख्या बढने लगी। इकोपोर्ट मे अपलोड करने के अलावा मुझे रपट की एक प्रति भी रखनी थी। कम्प्यूटर मे जगह नही थी। कमरे मे सीडी का अम्बार लग चुका था। फिर एक मित्र ने सहायता की। डीवीडी राइटर लगवाया और सीडी की भीड कम की। लगे हाथ 500 जीबी की एक्सटरनल हार्ड डिस्क भी ले लिया। 2 जीबी का रैम भी लगवाया। इससे लाभ तो हुआ पर अभी भी एक दिन मे तैयार की जा रही तालिकाए ही 2 जीबी की हो जाती है। घंटो कम्प्यूटर के सामने बैठकर मै होम्योपैथी की किताबे पढता रहता हूँ और कम्प्यूटर धीरे-धीरे काम करता रहता है बिना किसी शिकायत के।

इस रपट मे अभी तालिकाओ का ही बोलबाला है। हमारे पारम्परिक चिकित्सको के पास जब जटिल मामले आते है तो वे 200 दिन के लिये तयशुदा इलाज को आरम्भ करते है। एक दिन को दसो हिस्सो मे बाँटा जाता है। रोगी को हर पल बाहरी और आँतरिक दवाए दी जाती है। आखिर यह जीवन-मरण का प्रश्न होता है। चार दिन तक वे एक ही तरह की दवाए देते है फिर अगले चार दिन दूसरी तरह की। इस तरह 50 सेट्स तैयार होते है। 50 सेट्स माने चार-चार दिन के उपचार की 50 तालिकाए। एक तालिका 150 पन्ने की। इसे सौ भी माने तो 5000 पन्ने। एक दिन मे 100 तालिकाए ही हो पाती है।

प्रत्येक तालिका अपने आप मे जानकारियो की भंडार है। जैसे कौन –सा औषधीय मिश्रण लेना है, इस मिश्रण मे कितनी वनस्पतियाँ है, वे कहाँ मिलेंगी, उन्हे कैसे एकत्र करना है, एकत्र करने के लिये कौन सी विधि अपनानी है, क्या एकत्रण के पहले उन्हे विशेष सत्वो से सिंचित करना है, उन्हे खोदने के लिये लकडी के औजार उपयोग करने है या लोहे के, जंगल से इन्हे लाना है या इसकी खेती करनी है, वनस्पतियाँ पानी वाली जगह से लानी है या सूखे स्थानो से, वनस्पतियो से मिश्रण कैसे बनाना है, क्या सभी औषधियाँ उसी समय मिलानी है या अलग-अलग समय मे मिलानी है, मिश्रण को कैसे पात्र मे रखना है, कितने दिनो तक इसे रखा जा सकता है, क्या प्राचीन चिकित्सा शास्त्रो मे इसका वर्णन है, यदि हाँ तो कहाँ, क्या विश्व के सन्दर्भ ग्रंथो मे इसका वर्णन है, क्या यह व्यवसायिक फार्मूले के रुप मे उपलब्ध है, कितनी मात्रा मे इसे रोगी को देना है, किस रोग से ग्रसित रोगी को इसे नही देना है, क्या इसके साथ घरेलू औषधीयो का प्रयोग कर सकते है, रोगी घर मे इलाज करवायेगा या पारम्परिक चिकित्सक के घर मे, रोगी को वनस्पतियो के नाम बताये जाते है या नही, क्या रोगी की सेवा करने वाले इस बारे मे कुछ जानते है, सारी वनस्पतियाँ चिकित्सक एकत्रित करते है या कुछ आस-पास से खरीदते है, मिश्रण के लेने से यदि कुछ तकलीफ हुयी तो क्या करना है, मिश्रण को दूध के साथ लेना है या शहद के साथ या किसी और माध्यम के साथ, मिश्रणो के कितने रुप है, क्या इसके साथ आधुनिक दवाए ली जा सकती है, इसके साथ कौन से बाहरी उपचार करने है आदि-आदि सैकडो किस्म की जानकारियाँ होती है। प्रत्येक तालिका मे यह जानकारी बदलती है। वैसे तो हर रोगी के लिये यह जानकारी बदलती है पर अभी एक मानक तालिका तैयार करना मेरा उद्देश्य है। समय रहा इस जीवन मे तो रोगी की दशा के अनुसार बतायी गयी तालिकाए भी तैयार करुंगा।

दस लाख पन्ने जोड पाना निश्चित ही प्रसन्नता देता है पर मेरा लक्ष्य़ इस रपट को जल्दी से जल्दी पूरा करना है। ऐसी बडी तालिकाए अभी हजारो की संख्या मे बनानी है। अभी तो बहुत से पन्ने और जुडेंगे। मुझे प्रतीक्षा है इस रपट के आम लोगो के बीच प्रमाणित वैज्ञानिक साहित्य के रुप मे पहुँचने की ताकि मधुमेह से सबको राहत मिल सके। जैसा कि आप जानते है इस रपट को कूट शब्दो मे इकोपोर्ट मे अपलोड किया जा रहा है। जब इस डेटाबेस मे छै लाख पन्ने अपलोड हुये तो यह धीमा हो गया। साढे छै लाख पन्नो पर तो यह बैठ सा गया। आनन-फानन मे रपट से सम्बन्धित कुछ की-वर्डस को हटाया गया। फिर भी बात नही बनी। उसके बाद अब अपलोड कुछ समय के लिये स्थगित कर दिया गया है। डेटाबेस इतना धीमा हो गया कि 100 तालिकाए अपलोड करने मे तीन घंटो का समय लगने लगा था। अब दुनिया भर के विशेषज्ञो को बुलाकर वे इसमे सुधार कर रहे है। इस स्थगन से मुझे तालिकाओ को तैयार करने के लिये अधिक समय मिल रहा है। आज की तारीख मे साढे छै लाख पन्ने इकोपोर्ट मे और चार लाख पन्ने मेरे पास है जिन्हे अपलोड करना है। यदि मेरा अनुमान सही है तो अभी रपट के आधे तक नही पहुँच पाया हूँ मै। इकोपोर्ट को इतनी जानकारियो को रखने के लिये काफी सुधार करने होंगे। देखिये कितना और समय लगता है इसमे। इस रपट मे प्रगति की जानकारी आपको देता रहूंगा। आप तो जानते ही है पर अंत मे कह ही देता हूँ- यह रपट जानकारी के एकत्रण से लेकर अपलोड करने तक केवल एक व्यक्ति का प्रयास है और वह भी अपनी जेब से खर्चे गये पैसे से।
रपट की प्रगति इस कडी पर भी देख सकते है


(लेखक कृषि वैज्ञानिक है और वनौषधीयो से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक ज्ञान के दस्तावेजीकरण मे जुटे हुये है।)

© सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित

In CGBD: http://cgbiodiversity.blogspot.com/2009/01/research-publications-in-cgbd.html

Oudhia P, Kolhe SS, Tripathi RS
Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides L. on germination of linseed var. Kiran.
Oudhia P., Dixit A.
Weeds in Ambikapur (Madhya Pradesh) region and their traditional use.
Oudhia P.
Rice-Acorus intercropping: a new system developed by innovative farmers of Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
Improved cultivation practices for medicinal crops: glimpses of research of farmers' fields in Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
My experiences with world’s top ten Indian medicinal plants: Glimpses of research at farmer’s field in Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
The possibilities of commercial cultivation of rare medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh (India)

Oudhia P.
Traditional medicinal knowledge about a noxious weed, jal kumbhi (Eichhornia crassipes), in Chhattisgarh (India)

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S. , Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Datura stramonium L. on linseed.

Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic potential of Datura stramonium L..

Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S
Allelopathic potential of Calotropis gigantea R.Br.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Calotropis gigantea R. Br. on germination and seedling vigour of chickpea.

Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S.
Germination and seedling vigour of Soybean as affected by Allelopathy of Ipomoea carnea Jacq.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Blumea lacera L. on Rice and common kharif weeds.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of white top (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) on chickpea.

Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic potential of Ipomoea carnea Jacq..

Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus L. on Kodo, Mustard and problematic weeds.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Germination and seedling vigour of chickpea as affected by Allelopathy of Datura stramonium L.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Germination and seedling vigour of rice var. Mahamaya as affected by Allelopathy of Datura stramonium.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R. S., Puri Sunil , Chandel D. S.
Traditional knowledge about medicinal weeds in Chhattisgarh.

Oudhia P.
Medicinal weeds in rice fields of Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
Allelopathic effects of some obnoxious weeds on germination of Melilotus alba.

Oudhia P.
Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara L. on germination of soybean.

Oudhia P.
Allelopathic effects of Ageratum conyzoides and Ipomoea carnea on mustard.
Oudhia P.
Medicinal weeds in wheat fields of Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
Medicinal weeds in groundnut fields of Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
Studies on Allelopathy and medicinal weeds in chickpea fields.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S. , Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides L. on germination of linseed var. Kiran.
Oudhia Pankaj, Thakur B.S.
New record of the leaf beetle on a weed.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S. , Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Blumea lacera L. on wheat.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Parthenium hysterophorus L. on germination of Linseed.

Oudhia P.
Evaluation of host specificity of Blumea leaf beetle (Chrysolina sp. nr. madrasae Jackoby).

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Medicinal Weeds of kharif crops in the plains of Chhattisgarh.

Oudhia P., Joshi B.S., Kosta V.K.
The possibilities of preparing Homoeopathic drugs from the obnoxious weeds of Chhattisgarh.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Blumea lacera L. on chickpea and rabi weeds.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Lantana camara L. on germination of kodo (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.).

Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S.
Germination of mustard as affected by Allelopathy of Datura stramonium L..

Oudhia, P., Shrivastava G.K., Tripathi R.S.
Medicinal weeds of Durg (Madhya Pradesh) region.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Scope of cultivation of important medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh plains.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Medicinal weeds of Raipur and Durg (Madhya Pradesh) region.

Oudhia P., Ganguali R.N
Is Lantana camara responsible for Sal-borer infesttation in M.P.?

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Germination and seedling vigour of mustard as affected by allelopathy of Blumea lacera L..

Oudhia P., Tripathi R. S.
Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara L. on germination and seedling vigour of mustard.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Negative (stimulatory) allelopathy of Lantana camara L. on linseed var. Kiran.

Oudhia P.
Medicinal insects and spiders.
Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Lantana camara L. on rice.

Oudhia P., Pandey N., Tripathi R.S., Ganguli R.N.
Effect of different fertility levels on the gall midge (Orseolia oryzae) infestation.

Oudhia P., Pandey N., Ganguli R.N., Tripathi R.S.
Reaction of hybrid rice varieties to gall midge (Orseolia oryzae).

Oudhia P., Pandey N., Tripathi R.S., Ganguli R.N.
Effect of Nitrogen and Water management practices on gall midge (Orseolia oryzae) infestation in hybrid rice.

Oudhia P., Pandey N., Tripathi R.S, Ganguli R.N.
Gall midge (Orseolia oryzae) infestation in hybrid rice as affected by Agronomical practices.
Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
An useful weed Blumea lacera L.: A Review.
Oudhia P.
Chhattisgarh farmer's response on control of weeds in direct seeded rice.

Oudhia P.
Effect of some botanicals on hatchability of Blumea leaf beetle eggs.

Oudhia P.
Germination and seedling vigour of kodomillet as affected by Allelopathy of Ipomoea carnea Jacq.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effects of Calotropis gigantea R. Br. on germination and seedling vigour of linseed.

Oudhia P., Pandey N., Tripathi R.S., Ganguli R.N.
Response of different hybrid rice varieties to Brown Plant Hopper Nilaparvata lugens (stal.).

Oudhia P.
Germination and seedling vigour of wheat as affected by allelopathy of Calotropis gigantea R.Br..

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S., Choubey N.K., Banwari Lal
Parthenium hysterophorus: A curse for the bio-diversity of Chhattisgarh plains.

Oudhia P.
Blumea leaf beetle in Chhattisgarh Plains.

Oudhia P.
Stimulatory Allelopathy of Ageratum conyzoides L. on soybean.

Oudhia P., Pandey N., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effects of obnoxious weeds on germination and seedling vigour of hybrid rice.

Oudhia P.
Medicinal weeds in kodomillet fields: A source of an additional income for Chhattisgarh farmers.

Banwarilal , Oudhia P.
Beneficial effects of Allelopathy : I . Crop Production.
Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara L. on wheat.

Oudhia P.
Phyto-sociological studies of rainy season wasteland weeds with special reference to Parthenium hysterophorus L. in Raipur (India) district.

Oudhia P.
Allelopathic effects of Typha angustata on germination and seedling vigour of winter maize and rice.

Oudhia P., Ganguli J.
Outbreak of Tortoise beetle Aspidomorpha miliaris F. (Coleoptera ; Chrysomelidae) in Chhattisgarh plains.

Oudhia P.
Traditional medicinal knowledge about Red velvet mite Trombidium sp. (Acari : Trombidiidae) in Chhattisgarh.

Oudhia P.
Effects of Total Solar Eclipse on activities of some insects and mites.
Oudhia P.
Studies on host specificity and preference of the metallic coloured Tortoise beetle (Aspidomorpha miliaris F.).

Oudhia P.
Studies on host specificity of the orange Banded Blister beetle (Zonabris pustulata L.).

Oudhia P.
Allelopathic effects of some obnoxious weeds on germination and seedling vigour of Lathyrus sativus.

Oudhia P.
Possibilities of providing an additional income to Lathyrus farmers of Chattisgarh through medicinal weeds.

Oudhia P.
Effects of leaf extracts on Metallic Coloured Tortoise beetle Aspidomorpha miliaris F..

Oudhia P.
Toxic effects of Parthenium leaf extracts on Aspidomorpha miliaris F. and Zonabris pustulata Thunb..
Oudhia P.
Common housefly Musca nebulo Wiedemann (Diptera: Muscidae) as medicinal insect in Chattisgarh.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effects of Kukronda (Blumea lacera L.) on linseed.

Oudhia P.
Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara L. on chickpea.

Oudhia P.
Parthenium hysterophorus : a new weed in upland rice fields of the Chattisgarh Plains(India).

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effects of an obnoxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus on germination and seedling vigour of rice var. Mahamaya.

Oudhia P.
Positive (inhibitory ) allelopathic effects of some obnoxious weeds on germination and seedling vigour of pigeonpea(Cajanus cajan L.).

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effects of some plant extracts on rice var.Mahamaya.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Medicinal weed flora of brinjal(Solanum melongena L.) fields in Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
Evaluation of some botanicals against orange banded blister beetle(Zonabris pustulata Thunb.).

Oudhia P.
Positive (inhibitory) Allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus leaves on germination and seedling vigour of sunflower.

Oudhia P.
Allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus and Ageratum conyzoides on wheat var.Sujata.

Gupta A., Thakur M.P., Oudhia P.
Effects of different Homoeopathic drugs prepared from common weeds on radial growth of Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus membranaceus) under in vitro condition.
Oudhia P.
Record of Orange Banded Blister Beetle Zonabris pustulata Thunb.(Coleoptera: Meloidae) on Safed Moosli(Chlorophytum borivilianum).

Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic research on rice seeds in Chhattisgarh (India):An overview.Special Volume -II on Rice Research and Management in India .
Oudhia P.
Problems percieved by safed moosli(Chlorophytum borivilianum) growers of Chhattisgarh(India) region: A study.
Oudhia P., Pal A.R.
Rainy season medicinal weed flora in wastelands of Chamra nallah watershed area at Bagbahera.
Oudhia P.
Allelopathic effects of root leachates of some obnoxious weeds on germination and seedling vigour of wheat.

Oudhia P.
Allelopathic research on chickpea seeds in Chattisgarh (India) region: An overview.

Oudhia P.
Traditional medicinal knowledge about Bed Bug Cimex lectularius L.(Hemiptera: Cimicidae) in Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
Record of Aphis craccivora Koch.(Hemiptera: Aphididae) on medicinal crop Mucuna pruriens L. in Chhattigarh (India).

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effects of Ageratum conyzoides and Calotropis gigantea on germination and seedling vigour of rice.

Oudhia P.
Stimulatory Allelopathic effects of Ageratum conyzoides L. on soybean.

Oudhia P.
Traditional medicinal knowledge about Pod borer Helicoverpa armigera in Chhattisgarh, India.

Oudhia P.
Medicinal uses of Congress weed Parthenium hysterophorus L.: A Review.

Oudhia P.
Traditional medicinal knowledge about green leaf hopper, Nephotettix spp. in Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
Evaluation of Allelopathic effects of some fruit tree leaf extracts on emergence and seedling vigour of Lathyrus var.Biol-212.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Identification, cultivation and export of important medicinal plants.
Oudhia P.
Internet: A rich source of information of conservation, identification, cultivation and marketing of different mushroom species.
Oudhia P.
Etymology of certain weeds.

Oudhia P.
Medicinal weeds in banana orchards : A boon for small farmers of Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
Common rice weeds used for first aid by Chhattisgarh farmers.

Oudhia P.
Germination and seedling vigour of wheat as affected by allelopathy of some obnoxious weed.

Das G.K. , Oudhia P.
Rice as medicinal plant in Chhattisgarh (India): A survey.

Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S.
Prospects of cultivation of medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh,India.

Oudhia P., Pal A.R., Pali G.P.
Traditional medicinal knowledge about common crop weeds in Bagbahera (India) region : A survey .
Oudhia P.
Allelopathic effects of leachates and extracts of different parts of an obnoxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. on germination and seedling vigour of selected crops.
Oudhia P.
Cultivation of Mucuna for medicinal uses in India.

Oudhia P.
Allelopathic effects of some obnoxious weeds on germination of soybean.

Oudhia P.
Traditional medicinal knowledge about Fireflies, Photuris sp.(Coleoptera : Lampyridae)in Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
Traditional Medicinal Knowledge about Chickpea in India with special reference to Chhattisgarh.

Oudhia P.
Traditional medicinal knowledge about Red Ant Oecophylla smaragdina (Fab.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)in Chattisgarh, India.

Oudhia P.
Traditional medicinal knowledge about common insects and mites in India.

Tripathi R.S., Tuteja S.S., Oudhia P.
Prospects of cultivation of medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh.

Lal Banwari, Oudhia P.
Beneficial effects of phytochemicals on food-fodder-MPTS Production Systems.
Sarawgi S.K., Oudhia P.
Monitoring of Boron effect on germination of Rice cv. Mahamaya.

Oudhia P.
First record of Orange banded blister beetle Zonabris pustuluta Thumb. (Coleoptera : Meloidae) on Safed Moosli ( Chlorophytum borivilianums L.)

Oudhia P.
Phyllotreta crucifera Goeze: A new pest of medicinal crop Lepidium sativum L. in Chhattisgarh (India).

Tiwari Vandana, Oudhia P.
Major diseases of medicinal and aromatic crops of Chhattisgarh (India) and its organic treatments.
Oudhia P.
Useful weeds in rice fields and bunds : A boon for Indian farmers.
Oudhia P.
Weeds mentioned in holy Ramayana.

Oudhia P.
Medicinal weeds in banana fields : A boon for small farmers of Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
Traditional medicinal knowledge about common crop weeds in Bagbahera (India) region : A survey.
Oudhia P.
Improved cultivation practices for medicinal crops : Glimpses of research at farmer’s fields in Chhattisgarh (India).

Oudhia P.
Beneficial effects of green spray on saponin content and growth of wonder crop Safed Moosli (Chlorophytum borivilianum L.)

Oudhia P., Tiwari J.P.
Marketing of Indian medicinal and aromatic crops : Expectations of International Buyers.
Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides L. on paddy.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Germination and seediling vigour of rice var. Mahamaya as affected by allelopathy of Blumea lacera L..

Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Parthenium hysterophorus L. on kodo, mustard and problematic weeds.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Calotropis gigantea R.Br. on wheat.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathi effects of Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara and Ageratum conyzoides on germination and seedling vigour of wheat and problematic rabi weeds.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S. , Tripathi R.S.
Stimulatory allelopathy of Calotropis gigantea R. Br. on germination and seedling vigour of Linseed.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S., Ganguli R.N.
Bio-weeding potential of Blumea leaf beetle.

Oudhia P.
Weed survey in Ambikapur region.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Blumea lacera L. on wheat.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effect of Datura stramonium L. on Rice var. Mahamaya.

Oudhia P. , Tripath R.S.
Medicinal weeds of kharif crops in the plains of Chhattisgarh.

Oudhia P., Joshi B.S., Kosta V.K.
The possiblilities of preparing Homoeopathic drugs from the obnoxious weeds of Chhattisgarh.

Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Germination and seedling vigour of chickpea as affected by allelopathy of Ageratum conyzoides L.

Oudhia P.
Allelopathic potential of Calotropis gigantea R.Br..

Oudhia P.
Parthenium: A curse for the bio-diversity of Chhattisgarh plains.

Oudhia P. , Ganguli R.N.
Chrysolina madrassae: A potential bio-control agent for Blumea lacera.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Medicinal weeds: A boon for the farmers of Chhattisgarh.

Pandey N., Oudhia P., Kolhe S.S., Tripathi R.S.
Identification of weed flora of paddy fields and bunds in Raipur (Chhattisgarh) region of India.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
The possibilities of utilization of medicinal weeds to increase the income of the farmers.
Oudhia Pankaj
Harmony with Nature.
Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effects of Beshram (Ipomoea carnea) on germination and seedling vigour of chickpea.

Oudhia P. , Joshi B.S.
The decreasing availablity of natural medicinal plants in Chhattisgarh: A study.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S., Katiyar P.
Weed management through Green Allelochemicals: An eco-friendly approach towards sustainable agriculture.
Banwari Lal , Oudhia P.
Stimulatory allelopathy : I. Crop Production.
Oudhia P.
The possibilities of utilizing beneficial effects of Indian classical music for crop production with special reference to Chhattisgarh: A Review.

Oudhia P.
Application of Homoeopathic and Biochemic drugs in crop production: A Review.
Vyas S., Oudhia P.
Parthenium hysterophorus L. : A potential threat to the public health, crop productivity and bio-diversity of Chhattisgarh.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S., Pandey N.
Germination and seedling vigour of hybrid rice as affected by stimulatory allelopathy of Ipomoea carnea Jacq.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Chhattishgarh farmer's response on use of sprinkler irrigation for crop production.
Oudhia P.
Harmful effects of an obnoxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. on the economical development of Chhattisgarh farmers: A study.
Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S., Pandey N. , Thakur M.P.
Beneficial effects of Biochemic drug Natrum Mur on germination and seedling vigour of rice.

Oudhia P. , Tripathi R.S
Allelopathic research on rice seeds in Chhattisgarh (India) region: An Overview.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S., Katiyar P.
Germination and seedling vigour of chickpea as affected by allelopathy of Lantana camara L.

Oudhia P., Pal A.R.
Rainy season medicinal weed flora in wastelands of Chamra nallah watershed area, Bagbahera (India).

Oudhia P., Jain B.C., Tripathi R.S.
Problem percieved by rural youths of Chhattisgarh working in nearby cities : A study.
Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S., Chandel D.S., Bajpai R.K.
Medicinal weed flora in sesamum (Sesamum indicum), fields of Chhattisgarh (India) : A potential source of an additional income for small farmers.
Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Allelopathic effects of some obnoxious weeds on kodomillet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.) : Research underway at the Department of Agronomy, IGAU, Raipur (M.P.).
Oudhia P.
Medicinal weeds in linseed fields of Chhattisgarh (India) : A survey.

Oudhia P.
Beneficial effects of Schussler’s tissue remedies on germination and seedling vigour of rice.

Gupta A., Thakur M.P., Oudhia P., Shukla C.S.
Beneficial effects of different concentrations of Homoeopathic drug Achyranthes aspera on growth of Oyster Mushroom.
Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Utilization of medicinal weeds to increase the income of the poor farmers.
Oudhia P.
Problems percieved by Safed Moosli Chlorophytum borivilianum growers of Chattisgarh region in India.

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
Medicinal weeds in Kharif crops of Chattisgarh : Research underway at Department of Agronomy, IGAU, Raipur (India).
Gupta A., Thakur M.P., Oudhia P.
Beneficial effects of different concentrations of some Homoeopathic drugs prepared from medicinal plants on the growth of oyster mushroom Pleurotus columbinus under in vitro condition.
Oudhia P.
My experiences with world's top ten Indian medicinal plants :Glimpses of research at farmer's fields in Chhattisgarh(India).

Oudhia P., Tripathi R.S.
The possibilities of commercial cultivation of rare medicinal plants in Chattisgarh (India).

Tripathi R.R., Tripathi R.S., Oudhia P.
Productivity of different medicinal crops in Agroclimatic conditions of Bastar (India).

Oudhia P.
Medicinal insects of Kharif crops and weeds of Chattisgarh (India).

Gupta A., Thakur M.P., Oudhia P.
Effect of different concentrations of selected Homoeopathic drugs, prepared from obnoxious weeds on radial growth of mushroom (Pleurotus florida).
Oudhia P.
International Parthenium Research News Group-World's first news group on obnoxious weed.

Oudhia P., Dubey O.P., Tiwari U.K.
Present status and future prospects of cultivation and marketing of medicinal and aromatic crops : The Indian and International scenario.
Oudhia P.
Allelopathic potential of useful weed Calotropis gigantea R.Br.:A review.

Oudhia P.
Positive and negative allelopathic effects of different parts of leachates and extarcts of different parts of an obnoxious weed Parthenium hysterophorus L. on germination and seedling vigour of selected crops.
Oudhia P.
Cultivation and Marketing of Medicinal plants.
Oudhia P., Paul Robert E.
Buchanania lanzan.

Oudhia P., Paul Robert E.
Ficus racemosa.

Oudhia P., Paul Robert E.
Terminalia catappa.

Oudhia P., Paul Robert E.
Diospyros melanoxylon.

Oudhia P., Paul Robert E.
Artocarpus lakoocha.

Oudhia P.
Agave americana.

Oudhia P.
Cocculus pendulus.

Oudhia P.
Cordia myxa.

Oudhia P.
Phyllanthus amarus.

Oudhia P.
Phyllanthus fraternus.

Oudhia P.
Strychnos nux-vomica.

Oudhia P.
Caesalpinia bonduc.

Oudhia P.
Jatropha curcas.

Oudhia P.
Calotropis procera.

Oudhia P.
Strategy for Parthenium Management from the Parthenium Action Group-Indian Experience.

Oudhia P.
Abrus precatorius.

Oudhia P.
Acorus calamus.

Oudhia P.
Andrographis paniculata.

Oudhia P.
Angiopteris evecta.

Oudhia P.
Aristolochia indica.

Oudhia P.
Asparagus racemosus.

Oudhia P.
Baliospermum montanum.

Oudhia P.
Buchanania lanzan.

Oudhia P.
Caesalpinia digyna.

Oudhia P.
Celastrus paniculata.

Oudhia P.
Ceropegia bulbosa.

Oudhia P.
Chlorophytum tuberosum.

Oudhia P.
Commiphora wightii.

Oudhia P.
Curcuma caesia.

Oudhia P.
Curcuma zedoaria.

Oudhia P.
Dioscorea hispida.

Oudhia P.
Embelia tsjeriam-cottam.

Oudhia P.
Gloriosa superba.

Oudhia P.
Gymnema sylvestre.

Oudhia P.
Litsea glutinosa.

Oudhia P.
Mucuna pruriens.

Oudhia P.
Operculina turpethum.

Oudhia P.
Oroxylum indicum.

Oudhia P.
Pterocarpus marsupium.

Oudhia P.
Terminalia chebula.

Oudhia P.
Possibilities of utilization of EMF concept for pollution management in Chhattigarh, India.

Oudhia P.
Unique Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge about Herbs in Chhattisgarh.

Oudhia P.
Traditional Knowledge about medicinal insects and mites in Chhattisgarh, India: An overview.

Oudhia P.
Environment Management and Biodiversity Conservation through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge : A new approach.
Oudhia P., Tiwari U.K.
Aushadhi Paudho Ki Kheti:Kab aur Kaise? (The cultivation of medicinal plants : When and How?)
Oudhia P.
"Aushadhi Phasel Bach ki vyavsaik kheti kaise karen?" (How to cultivate medicinal crop Bach commercially.)

Oudhia P.
"Gajar Ghas : Ek Ghatak Shatru". ( Book on Parthenium)

Oudhia P.
Paramparik Chikitsak Kya Dilwa Payenge Mukti Bird Flu Se?(Can Traditional Healers give freedom from Bird Flu?). — Article in Hindi.
Oudhia P.
Jaiv Indhan : Bhatkav Nahi Sahi Disha Ki Avshakta. (Bio-Fuels : Right direction is needed without confusion)- Article in Hindi.
Oudhia P.
Janiye Kharpatwaron Ki Upyogita. Motha (Cyperus rotundus). ( Know the Utility of weeds. Motha (Cyperus rotundus).- Article in Hindi.
Oudhia P.
Janiye Kharpatwaron Ki Upyogita. Doobi (Cynodon dactylon). ( Know the Utility of weeds. Doobi (Cynodon dactylon).- Article in Hindi.
Oudhia P.
Rango Ke Liye Lokpriya Vriksh. Al (Morinda citrifolia, Rubiaceae). (Tree famous for Dyes. Al (Morinda citrifolia, Rubiaceae).- Article in Hindi.
Oudhia P.
Bahut Jaruri Hai Samanya Vriksho Ke Khas Guno Ko Janana Aur Samajhana. (It is essential to know and understand the special properties of common trees). -Article in Hindi.
Oudhia P.
Kitne Kargar Honge Deshi Nuskhe AIDS jaise Maharog Ki Chikitsa Main? (Upto what extent indigenous formulations will be effective in treatment of AIDS like complicated diseases?)- Article in Hindi.
Oudhia P.
Isase Pahle Kab Ki Thi Apne Dataun? (When did you use Dataun earlier?)- Article in Hindi.
Oudhia P.
Kya Aajeevan Rog Mukt Raha Ja Sakta Hai? (Is it possible to remain disease free throughout life?- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kya Aik hajar varsho tak jiya ja sakta hai? (Is it possible to live up to one thousand years? - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Bael ka upyog bacha sakta hai adhunik rogo se? (Use of Bael can protect from modern diseases). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Janiye Kharpatwaron Ki Upyogita- Sarphunkha (Tephrosia purpurea). (Know the utility of weeds- Sarphunkha)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Adhuri jankari dubo sakti hai aapki poonji? (Incomplete information can sink your investment.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Janiye Kharpatwaron ki upyogita- Bhui-Aonla (Phyllanthus niruri). (Know the utility of weeds- Bhui-Aonla.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aakhir kab rukegi anndata se thagi? (Cheating with producers- When it will stop?) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Chhadam Kisansevi sangathano ka phailta jaal : Kisano ke liye nayi musibat. ( Spreading network of pseudo farmer organisations : New problem for farmers.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vanoshadhiyon ki sahayata se laden swans rogon se. (Fight from respiratory diseases with the help of hebrs)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kaise paudhe apni raksha karte hai shatruon se? (How plants protect themselves from enemies? -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Door karna hi hoga ab Herbal Kranti ki badhaon ko. ( Need to remove the hurdles of Herbal revolution.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aakhir kis majboori main kha rahe hain hum jahar?- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Durlabh vanoshadhiyon ki kheti ko protsahan : Samay ki Avshyakta. (Promotion of cultivation of rare medicinal herbs : Need of day.) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Bahut kuchh batate hain vanoshadhiyon ke sthaniya naam. (Local names of herbs tell much)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Safed Musli : Kuchh aadharbhoot Jankariyan. (Safed Musli : Some basics.)-Hindi Article
Oudhia P.
Ghatak Phaslon ko ugane ka prayog Bharat main karne ka shadyantra. (Conspiracy to grow Lethal crops experimentally in India.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Chhattisgarh main jadi-bution ke kheti ki apaar sambhavnayan. (Tremendous scope of cutlivation of medicinal herbs in Chhattisgarh).- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kya Dhan ki kheti paryavaran ke liye suchmuch ghatak hai? (Is paddy cultivation really harmful to environment?)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi Paudho ki vyavsaik kheti kitni labhdayak? (How much profitable is the commercial cultivation of medicinal crops?)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kisano dwara viksit pashu chikitsa ke upaiy. (Measures of cattle treatment developed by farmers.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Ab Dhan ki kisme karengi kharpatwaron ka nash. (Now Rice varieties will control weeds.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kisano ne khoji unnat krishi taknik. ( Improved Agriculture technologies developed by farmers.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Anndata nahi hai doshi. (Producer is not responsible.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kitna jante hai hum jadi-Butiyon ke vishay main? ( How much we know about medicinal herbs?).- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Krishi Vaniki : Deshi vrikshon per shodh ko protsahan jaruri. (Agroforestry : Promotion of research on indigenous trees is necessary.) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kya Jadi-Butian suchmuch badha sakti hai aapki mardana shakti ko? (Can medicinal herbs really increase you sexual power?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kharpatwar niantran ki anoothi taknik. (Unique technology of weed control.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Tulsi ki kheti : Ek labhdayak vyavsai. (Cultivation of Tulsi : A profitable business.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Sanai ki vyaysaik kheti : Samasyayen aevam samadhan. (Commercial cultivation of Senna : Problems and solutions.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Tantra Kriya main prayog hone wale Kharpatwar. (Weeds used in Tantra)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Gwarpatha aur Lahsun se judi rochak batain. (Interesting information related to Aloe vera and Garlic.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Sajavati phool bhi swasthya ke liye hanikarak. (Decorative flowers are also harmful for health.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Roshni utsarjit karne wala anokha jeev- Jugnu. (Light emitter unique creature- Firefly.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Bahurashtriya companiyon ke bahakave se bachen bhartiya krishi vyagyanik. ( Indian Agriculture Scientists must be aware of multinational companies.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi Paudho ki vyavsaik kheti ke naam per loot. ( Loot in the name of commercial cultivation of medicinal plants.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-butiyon ki kheti : Kitni uchit kitni unuchit. (Cultivation of medicinal herbs : Justificable or not?). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Neem adharit keetnashak : Aik pahalu yaha bhi. (Neem based insecticides: Another aspect.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Lailaj ho rahe hain Kharpatwar. (Weeds are becoming incurable.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhiya aevam sughandhit phaslon ki kheti : Shanka samadhan. ( Cultivation of medicinal and aromatic crops : Solution of your queries).- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jahar ugalne wala sundar keeda. ( Poisonous emitting beautiful insect.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Ginseng : Adbhut aushadhi. (Ginseng : Wonder drug.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Ve bade chav se keede-makode khate hai. (They eat insects and mites with taste.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Shahar main nashe ke adi ho gaye hai gramin yuvak. ( Rural youth has become addicted to drugs in city.). -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aam aadmi ki pahuch se door hoti Jadi-Butiyan. ( Medicinal herbs are reaching beyond the approach of common person.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Atirikt aay ka jariya hai kharpatwar Adusa. ( Medicinal weed Adusa is a source of addition income.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Sahi keemat paye bar jadi-buti ke sahi pahachan jaroori. (Correct identification of medicinal herbs is necessary for getting good price.)- Chhattisgarhi Article.
Oudhia P.
Bhoomi ko barbad kar rahe hain videshi kharpatwar. ( Exotic weeds are damaging the land.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Swasthya aur sundarta dono payen, aapki grih vatika main Tulsi. ( Tulsi in your home garden both for health and beauty.) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Internet main bhari padi hain dhan utpadan sambandhi jankariyan. (Internet is full of information regarding rice production.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugane wale upyogi kharpatwar- Duddhi. (Useful weeds growing in our surroundings- Duddhi.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi Kharpatwar : Kisano ke liye vardan. (Medicinal weeds : Boon for the farmers.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugane wale upyogi kharpatwar- Charota. (Useful weeds growing in our surroundings- Charota.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Terminator Gene : Bhartiya jaiv- vividhata ke liye khatra. (Terminator Gene : Danger for Indian bio-diversity.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Sookha sahan karne wali aushadhi phasel Jatropha. ( Drought tolerant medicinal crop Jatropha.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Calyx ke liye Patua (Hibiscus sabdariffa) ki vyavsaik kheti. (Commercial cultivation of Patua for calyx.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Ghatak Kharpatwar Gajar Ghas : Kaise karen niyantran. (How to control obnoxious weed Gajar Ghas.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Ghatak Kharpatwar Gajar Ghas : Aik vistrit parichaya. (Obnoxious weed Gajar Ghas : Detailed introduction.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha. Kachnar aur Babool. (Useful trees of our surroundings. Kachnar and Babool.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugane wale upyogi kharpatwar- Bariyara, Sawa aur Bhui-Aonla. (Useful weeds growing in our surroundings- Bariyara, Sawa and Bhui-Aonla.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Internet : Aushadhi paudhe aevam unke vipnan sambandhi jankariyon ka anupam shrot hai. ( Internet : A vital source for information on medicinal plants and its marketing.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha. Arjun aur Neem. ( Useful trees of our surroundings. Arjun and Neem.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Garmi main rahat deta vriksh Karanj. ( Relief providing tree in summer Karanj.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi paudho ki kheti hetu bhoomi ka chayan. (Selection of land for cultivation of medicinal plants.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kisano ne khoji unnat beej taknik. (Improved seed technology developed by farmers.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Ghatak Kharpatwar : Gajar Ghas. (Obnoxious weed : Gajar Ghas.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Charota hai upyogi kharpatwar, mut samajhiye ise bekar. (Charota is useful weed, donot consider it as waste plant.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kharpatwar niyantran ki anoothi paryavaran mitra taknik soil solarisation. ( Environment friendly technique of weed control Soil solarisation.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Neem ka vriksha bahopyogi. ( Neem tree having multi-uses.). -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Internet per Makka. (Maize in Internet). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Satyanashi kya suchmuch Satyanashi? ( Is Satyanashi really harmful?).- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jamalghota hoga bhavishya ka Petro-crop. (Jamalghota will be the future Petro-crop.) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Allelopathy : Jaivik krishi ka aik shashakt aujar. (Allelopathy : A promising tool of organic farming.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Ghatak kharpatwar Gajar Ghas se khad banana kitna uchit? ( Compost preparation from obnoxious weed Gajar Ghas. Is it justificable?).
Oudhia P.
Gajar Ghas dushman ka dushman Zygogramma keet. ( Enemy Gajar Ghas's enemy Zygogramma insect.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kharpatwar ka aushadhi upyog. ( Medicinal use of weeds). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kharpatwar : Inme bhi chhupe hain mitrata ke gun. (Weeds are also having the friendship properties.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Bareeta. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Bareeta.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Blind weed. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Blind weed.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jara sochen! Hum kya kha rahe hain. (Please think! what we are eating?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Kevatch. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Kevatch.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Bakuchi. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Bakuchi.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Bada Gumma. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Bada Gumma.) - Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Swassani. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Swassani.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Van-Soya . (Weeds of medicinal importance : Van-Soya.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Sahadevi. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Sahadevi.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Bhui-Aonla. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Bhui-Aonla.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Hemp Weed. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Hemp Weed.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Black Jack. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Black Jack.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Vasa. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Vasa.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Bariyara. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Bariyara.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Safed Arand. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Safed Arand.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Saath phisadi log nahi jante ki Gajar Ghas kya hai. ( Sixty percent people donot know what is Gajar Ghas.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Gajar Ghas se twacha allergy ka khatra. ( Danger of skin allergy from Gajar Ghas.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Homoeopathy : Shanka samadhan. (Homoeopathy : Answers of your queries.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Beemariyon ke gharelu upchar. (Home remedies for diseases.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Flower Remedies : Chikitsa ki nayi paddhati. (Flower remedies : New system of medicine.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Panchhi kahe hot udaas.- Hindi Article for youth.
Oudhia P.
Sal tana chhedak aakhir hai kya : Aik vaigynik vivechan. ( What is Sal stem borer : Scientific Analysis.) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aam aam nahi hai khas. (Mango is not common but special).- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Mahua aur Karanj se bhi daudengi gadiyan ( Now vehicle will run through Mahua and Karanj also.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kaun kharidega Ratanjot? (Who will buy Ratanjot?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Charota. ( Series on medicinal herbs - Charota). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Doob. ( Series on medicinal herbs - Doob). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Fudhar. (Series on medicinal herbs - Fudhar). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Akarkara. (Series on medicinal herbs - Akarkara). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Kuthua. (Series on medicinal herbs - Kuthua). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Duddhi. (Series on medicinal herbs - Duddhi). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Senji. (Series on medicinal herbs - Senji). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Gorakhmundi. (Series on medicinal herbs - Gorakhmundi). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Mahkua. (Series on medicinal herbs - Mahkua). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Motha. (Series on medicinal herbs - Motha). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Jangli Neel. ( Series on medicinal herbs - Jangli Neel). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Dron pushpi. (Series on medicinal herbs - Dron pushpi). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Kanghi. (Series on medicinal herbs - Kanghi). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Dhatura. (Series on medicinal herbs - Dhatura). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Bhengra. (Series on medicinal herbs - Bhengra). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Kaua-Kaini. ( Series on medicinal herbs - Kaua-Kaini). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-Buti aushadhimala- Chirchita. (Series on medicinal herbs - Chirchita). - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Janiye Kharpatwaron ki upyogita- Saji Booti. (Know the utility of weeds- Saji Booti.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Swad nahi swasthya ke anusar karen sabjiyon ka chayan. ( Select the vegetables on the basis of health benefits not on taste.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Ab hatana hi hoga krishi anusandhan se mamaon ko. ( Need to remove Master Manipulators (Mama) from Agricultural research.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi Mahatava ke kharpatwar- Satyanashi. (Weeds of medicinal importance- Satyanashi.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi Mahatava ke kharpatwar- Kukronda. (Weeds of medicinal importance- Kukronda.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vaniki- Semal. (Forestry- Semal) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vaniki- Guggul. (Forestry- Guggul) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vaniki- Bakayan. (Forestry- Bakayan) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vaniki- Karanj. (Forestry- Karanj) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vaniki- Imli. (Forestry- Imli) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vaniki- Dhak. (Forestry- Dhak) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vaniki- Shahtoot. (Forestry- Shahtoot) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vaniki- Populus. (Forestry- Populus) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kya Eucalyptus suchmuch khatarnak? ( Is Eucalyptus really dangerous?) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vibhinn parishtitiyon ke liye upyukt vriksh. (Trees for different conditions.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vaniki- Munga. (Forestry- Munga). -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Neem per videshi ekadhikar badh raha hai. (Foreign monopoly is increasing on Neem.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Ogai. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Ogai.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Lajwanti. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Lajwanti.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Garun. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Garun.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Darba. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Darba.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Kasni. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Kasni.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Punarnava. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Punarnava.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jadi-butiyon ke liye swarg hai Chhattisgarh ki dharti. (Chattisgarh is heaven for medicinal herbs.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Shrigalkanth. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Shrigalkanth.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Goti Phool. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Goti Phool.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Sawa. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Sawa.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Jwasa. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Jwasa.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Coach grass. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Coach grass.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Vilaupt praiy jatiyon ka samrakshan : Samay ki avshyakta. (Conservation of endangered species : Need of the day.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Chhattisgarhi Kisan ke liye Jaivik kheti. (Organic farming for Chhattisgarh farmers.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Satavar ki vyavsaik kheti. (Commercial cultivation of Satavar.) -Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Saavdhan Gajar Ghas phail rahi hai. (Be aware ! Gajar Ghas is spreading.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi mahatava ke kharpatwar : Jangli Sarson. (Weeds of medicinal importance : Jangli Sarson.) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Tesu too kyon phoola ray basant main? (Tesu why are you in blossom in Spring?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aapas main baatane se badhta hai paramparik gyan. (Traditional knowledge propogates through sharing.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Working with the real health experts : traditional healers of Chhattisgarh.

Oudhia P.
Rogon ke daant bhi khatte kar sakati hai Imli.- Hindi Article describing uses of Imli in disease management.
Oudhia P.
Ab na laga paye koi lanchhan bhartiya paramparik chikitsa paddhatiyon par. ( Indian traditional medicinal systems must remain free from blame.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kya vanoshadhiyon se sambhav hai vashikaran? ( Is hypnotism possible through medicinal herbs?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aadhunik chikitsakon se unnis nahi hain bhartiya kisan. (Indian farmers are not less than modern health experts.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Rogon ko jado se mita sakti hai Arandi ki jad. (Arandi roots can root out the diseases.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
The documentation of Traditional medicinal knowledge about common herbs and insects in Chhattisgarh, India : Few words about me and my work
Oudhia P.
Aakhir kahan hai chamakne vale divya paudhe? (Where are the plants that shine?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kya vanoshadhiyan badha sakti hain aapka dhan? (Can medicinal plants increase your wealth?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Is bar tonic chuney prakriti ki prayogshala se. (This time select Tonic from Nature's experimental field.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Baymatlab nahi khilte hain Amaltas ke swarna pushp. (Amaltas flowers bloom with purpose.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Banjar Bhoomi Ka Ratanjot kyon Ropa Ja Raha Hai Upjau Kheton Main? (Recommended for wasteland why Jatropha is under planting in fertile crop fields?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jatropha Fever.

Oudhia P.
Eagle's Eye: A moosli mafia at work.

Oudhia P.
Kab tak jari rahegi bhartiya krishi anusandhan ki sust chal? ( Till when the slow speed of Indian Agricultural research will continue?) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Varsh 2006. Safed Musli utpadakon ke liye kuchh sujhav. (Year 2006. Some suggestions for Safed Musli growers.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Phoolon hi nahi aushadhi guno se bhi jane Maulsari ko. (Not only for flowers, know Maulsari for its medicinal properties also.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jatil rogon ki chikitsa main kargar anokhe Pitra Vriksha.(Capable of treating complicated diseases- the Pitra Vriksha.)- Hindi Article on unique tree complex of Chhattisgarh.

Oudhia P.
Kargar hain bhartiya vanoshadiyan Parkinson's ki chikitsa main. (Indian herbs are effective in treatment of Parkinson's disease.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kyon door bhagate hain kisan paricharchaon se? (Why farmers run away from discussions?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jameen aasman ka antar hai jhola chhap Doctor aur Paramparik Chikitsak main. (There is much difference between Quacks and Traditional Healers.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Abhi Se Kamar Kasni Hogi Bhavishya Ke Kharpatwaron Se Nipatane Ke Liye. ( Need to get ready to fight with the future weeds.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aushadhi Kheti aur Agrohomoeopathy prayog. (Medicinal crop cultivation and Agrohomoeopathic experiements.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Ajab hai maa prakriti ki vyavashta. (Mother Nature's arrangement is unique.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aiye Jane Jatropha ke vishay main nagan satyon ko. (Let us know the bare facts about Jatropha.) - Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Bujurgo ke saye ki tarah hai ghar main Munga. ( Munga in home is like the blessings of old.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kyon hai itne udaseen adhunik sanchar madhyam paryavarniya samasyayon par? (Why modern communication agencies are slow in response to enviromental problems?) - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Village names based on common herbs : A promising indicator of
Bio-diversity and Indigenous Knowledge zone.
Oudhia P.
Gahara Prabhav daalti hain Krishi patra-patrikayan kisano per. ( Agriculural magazines and farm journals are having deep impact on farmers.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Varsh 2006: Safed Musli Utpadakon ke liye kuchh sujhav. (Year 2006: Some suggestions for the Safed Musli growers.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Varsh 2006: Bach Utpadakon ke liye kuchh sujhav. (Year 2006: Some suggestions for the Bach growers.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Khatai hi nahi aushadhi bhi hai Imli. - Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Sughandhit Phaslon Ki Kheti. (Cultivation of Aromatic Crops.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Steviea ki kheti. (Cultivation of Stevia.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kisano ki atamhatya aur unginat unuttarit prashan. (Suicides of Indian farmers and countless unanswered questions.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kyo na rok di jaye mausami bhavishyavaniyan aik dashak ke liye. (Why not Indian weather forecasting must be stopped for one decade?)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Krishi ke paramparik gyan ka samrakshan : Samay ki avshyakta. (Protection of traditional knowledge about Agriculture : Need of the day.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Mitti Parikshan ka kadva sach. (Bitter Truth of Soil Testing.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi Phasel Kevatch (Mucuna pruriens) ki vartaman dasha aur disha. (Present condition and direction of medicinal crop Mucuna pruriens.)

Oudhia P.
Aisay pasarati hai Gajar Ghas Aapke Aas Paas. (Parthenium spreads in your surroundings in this way.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kiski Bhookh adhik mahatvapurna : Aapki ya aapki gadi ki? (Whose hunger is more important: Yours or yours vehicle?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Jaruri hai manyataon aur kahavaton ki vyagyanik vyakhhya. (Scientific explaination of traditional belief and saying is essential.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Videshi paudhe Ratanjot (Jatropha) ke pichhe yaha andhi daud kis liye? ( Why there is blind race for foreign plant Jatropha?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kitna kum jante hain Ratanjot ke himayati is videshi paudhe ke bare main. (Jatropha promoters know very less about this foreign plant.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kyo sava hai deshi Karanj videshi Ratanjot pur? (Why indigenous Karanj is better than exotic Jatropha?)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kyo nahi hai Bhartiya Chikitsa padhatiyan vaikalpik? (Why Indian systems of medicine are not alternative?- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kya paramparik gyan bacha payega purane vriksho ko? (Can traditional knowledge protect old trees?)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aakhir kab samjhenge hum gharelu aushadiyon ka mahatva? (When will we understand the importance of home remedies?)- Hindi Article

Oudhia P.
Kya hamara paramparik gyan dilva payega mukti Sickling se? (Can our traditional knowledge protect us from Sickle Cell Anaemia?)- Hindi Article

Oudhia P.
Aakhir kub sudh lenge hum Jaiv sampda ki suraksha ki. (When will we get aware to protect our Bio-resources?)- Hindi Article

Oudhia P.
Kise chinta hai Paramparik chikitsakon ki? (Who is worrying for Traditional Healers?- Hindi Article

Oudhia P.
Aiye Mushroom per khul kar baat karen. (Lets talk openly on Mushroom.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Machhar and Malaria : Vano aur vanoshadhiyon main chhupa hai samadhan. (Mosquito and Malaria : Solution is in forest and forest herbs.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Karanj banam Ratanjot : Desi banam Videshi. (Karanj vs. Jatropha : Indigenous vs. Exotic)- Hindi Article

Oudhia P.
Kaun bana raha hai Bastar ko Badtar. (Who is making Bastar worst place?- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Chhattisgarh main aushadhiya Dhan : Samuchit samrakshan aur samvardhan ki avshyakta. (Medicinal rice in Chhattisgarh : Need for proper conservation and promotion.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Bach ke bhartiya Kisano! 'Noni Mafia' apki khoj main hai. (Be aware Indian farmers! Noni Mafia' is searching you.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Machharon se bachaye- Dragonfly. (Dragonfly protects from Mosquitoes)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kisano ke paas hai suandarya prasadhan samagri. (Farmers are having beauty products.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hareli main vanoshadhiyon ke paramparik prayog ki vyagyanik sarthakta.( Scientific relevance of traditional uses of medicinal herbs in Hareli festival.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kya Safed Musli ke din lad rahe hain? (Are days of Safed Musli over?)- Hindi Article

Oudhia P.
Bajar ke liye kaise karen vanoshadhiyon ki kheti- Kuchh Sujhav. (How to cultivate medicinal crops for market- Some suggestions.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kyon jaruri hai purane vrikshon ka bacha rahna? (Why it is necessary to remain old trees with us?)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kaun de sakta hai Tsunami ki purvasuchna? (Who can forecast Tsunami?)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aiye Prakriti ke prayogon se kuchh sikhen. (Lets learn from experiments of Mother Nature?)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aiye jane kaun si vanoshadhiyan kharidi jati hain paschimi bajaron main. (Lets know about medicinal herbs purchased in western markets.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Nange hote pahad, prakriti ka ujadata sansar. (Destruction of nature and nude hills.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Chalo chalen phir gaon ki ore. (Lets go back to villages again.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kaun si aushadhi phaslon ki kheti karen chhote kisan. (Medicinal crops suitable for small farmers.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Dharti pur kitna akela ho raha hai manav. (Human beings are becoming so alone on this earth.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Bahut jaruri hai prakritik vano ke manavikaran ko rokna. (It is necessary to stop human interference in natural forests.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kab lagenge mahanagaron main deshi vriksh? (When indigenous trees will be planted in Indian Metros?)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kya manav ke aatank se bach payegi Bhagvan ki budhiya? (Will Bhagvan ki budhiya get protection from terror of humanbeings?)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Barish ke rogon se bacha sakti hain aas-paas ki vanaspatiyan. (Herbs from surroundings can protect from diseases of rainy season.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aapke bagiche ki vanaspatiyan de sakti hain mansik sukoon. (Herbs from your garden can give you mental peace.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Bhartiya Dharti per videshi aakranta Lantana : Samool nash ki pahal ab jaruri. (Foreign invader in Indian land Lantana : Effort for its eradication is now essential.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kya videshion ke liye hota hai Bharat main krishi anusandhan? (Is Indian agricultural research done for foreigners?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Durlabh vanoshadhiyon ke samrakshan se pahle pahachan jaruri. (Idenitification is must before conservation of medicinal herbs.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kahan se mil sakti hain aushadhiya phasel Stevia ke bare main sahi jankari. (From where you can get correct information about medicinal crop Stevia)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kyon bhulaya ja raha hai paramarik chikitsakon ka yogdan? (Why we are forgetting the contributions of Traditional Healers?)- Hindi Articles.

Oudhia P.
Kyo nahi ban paa rahi hai Coleus aik safal aushadhiya phasel? (Why Coleus is not becoming successfull medicinal crop?)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kalpvriksha Harra : Manushyon aur phaslon dono hi ke liye upyogi. (Medicinal tree Harra : Useful for both humanbeings and crops.)- Hindi Articles.

Oudhia P.
Prachin aur adhunik vigyan ki kasauti per khare vrikshon ke kuchh mahatavapurna aushadhiya upyog. (Important medicinal uses of some trees recognised by both traditional as well as modern sciences.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Jeevan ke shabdakosh se bimari ko kar de alvida.(Delete the word "disease" from life's dictionary.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kahin aap Dhaniye ke saath Gajar Ghas ki pattiyan to nahi kha rahe? (Are you eating Parthenium leaves with Coriander?)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aakhir kab tak udaya jata rahega paisa kisano ke naam per. Sandarbha: Kharchile Vigyan Sammelan? (Till when money is wasted in the name of farmers? (Reference: Expensive science conferences.)
Oudhia P.
Sahi labh ke liye kum karni hogi dalalon ki anavashyak bhid. Sandarbha: Vanoshadhiyon ka vipnan. (For real benefit there is need to reduce unnecessary crowd of middlemen. Reference: Marketing of medicinal herbs.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Sardi ki aik subah prakriti putron ke saath. (One winter morning with Nature's sons.)- Hindi Article. सर्दी की एक सुबह प्रकृति पुत्रो के साथ
Oudhia P.
Paramparik chikitsak Safed Daag ke rogiyon ko pahucha sakte hain rahat. (Traditional Healers can provide relief to patients having Leucoderma.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aise mil sakta hai Madhumeh se chhutkara. (You can get rid from Diabetes through this way.)-Hindi Article. ऐसे मिल सकता है मधुमेह से छुटकारा
Oudhia P.
Kya vanaspatiyan bata sakti hain dharti ke garbh main dabe bahumulya ratno ke vishay main. (Can herbs tell about presence of precious gems inside Earth?)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Paramparik desaj gyan se bhagaiye sir dard. (Get rid from Headache through traditional knowledge.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Ban Kachra- Kisan mun ke upraha aamdani ke jariya. (Weeds: A source of additional income for farmers.)- Chhattisgarhi Article.

Oudhia P.
Manav kalyan ke liye bani hai Ganga Amli. (Ganga Amli is for human welfare.)

Oudhia P.
Band netra kholen aur prakritik upharon ko jane, netra rogon se suraksha ke liye. (Open your closed eyes and know gifts of Mother Nature for protection of eyes.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aloe ki marketing : Vartaman dasha aur disha. (Marketing of Aloe: Present status and direction.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aushadhiya Vanaspatiyan : Dikhne main sadharan, guno main asadharan. (Medicinal herbs : Simple in look but extra-ordinary in properties.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Jal, vriksh aur hamara paramparik gyan. (Water, tree and our traditional knowledge.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Paat se lekar khaak tak upyogi Bans. (Bans useful from leaf to ash.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Adhunik yug ki Tulsi Adusa. (Adusa : Tulsi of modern era.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Bahut jaruri hai aadhunik vigyan ko samadhanatmak banana. (It is essential to make modern science solution oriented.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Bahut jaruri hai Ayurved aur vyavsaik Ayurved main antar janana. (It is essential to know difference between Ayurveda and commerical Ayurveda.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Bahut jaruri hai paramparik chikitsakon ke vishay main janana. (It is essential to know about Traditional Healers.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kyon nahi tai karte hum swayam apna bhavishya?[Prakritik vinash per amaada nai yojnayain.]- Why donot we decide our future. [New plannings having potential to cause distruction to Nature.] Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Vyapak jan-jagran hi bacha sakta hai rogiyon ko lutne se.[Sickle Cell Anaemia ke ilaj ke naam per neem-hakimo ki loot khasot.] Mass scale awarenees can save patients from cheating. [Reference-Cheating by quacks in the name of treatment of Sickle Cell Anaemia].
Oudhia P.
Aise banayen aushadhi udyano ko upyogi. (Make medicinal plant garden useful in this way.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Paramparik vidhiyon se jaani ja sakti hai vanoshadhiyon ki shuddhata. (Purity of medicinal herbs can be known with the help of Traditional methods.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kya kya bolti hai vanaspati Hadjod. (What Hadjod tells us)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Atithi Devo Bhav: Vartaman paripeksha main kitna prasangik? (Visitors are like God. Relevance of this old saying in modern context.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Thoda thaharen aur chintan karke hi aage badhyen. (Sandarbha: Aushadhya phaslon se lagatar hani utha rahe kisan.) Stop and proceed after planning.(Reference: Farmers facing continuous loss from medicinal crops.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kya aisa hi krishi anusandhan chahte hain Bhartiya Kisan? (Are Indian farmers need Agricultural research of this type?)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kya aapko pata hai Neem ke in guno ka? (Are you aware of these properties of Neem?)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Bael ke paramparik upyog bacha sakte hain aadhunik rogon se. (Traditional uses of Bael can protect you from modern disease.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Bhartiya paramparik gyan ke samrakshan main videshi madad ki darkar kyon? (Why foreign help is required in conservation of Indian traditional knowledge?)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Mangadhant dawe chhati pahuncha rahe hain Bhartiya Chikitsa Padhatiyon ko. (False claims are damaging Indian systems of medicine.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Varsh 2006: Kasturi Bhindi Utpadakon ke liye kuchh sujhav. (Year 2006: Some suggestions for the Kasturi Bhindi growers.)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Varsh 2006: Sarpgandha Utpadakon ke liye kuchh sujhav. (Year 2006: Some suggestions for the Sarpgandha growers.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Chai vahi jo swad aur swasthya dono dilaye. (Tea is worth when gives both taste and health.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Mun ki aag hi bacha sakti hai vriksho ke jeevan ko. (Fire inside you only can protect lives of Trees.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aapka samarthan hi bacha sakta hai paramparik chikitsa padhatiyon ko. (Only your support can save traditional systems of medicine.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Sawdhani pariharya hai swa-chikitsa main. (Precaution is must in self-medication.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aise supatra bhi chahiye desh ke 'Knowledge commission' main. (These capable persons are also required in 'Knowledge commission' of this country.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Anndata per lancchan ab ho pratibandhit. (False blames on producers must be banned.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Bhraman hetu jungle jayen per sambhal ke. (Go to Jungle for tour but be careful.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kab samriddha karega Bhartiya sangeet manushyon aur vanaspatiyon ko diyva guno se. (When Indian music will fill human beings and plants with divine properties.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kanhi aap ke swasthya ke liye khatra to nahi ban rahi hain aadhunik vyamshalayen? (Are modern gymnasiums becoming danger for your health?)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kyon na vanvasi hi sambhale Bhartiya junglon ko? (Why not tribal are given chance to take care of forests?
Oudhia P.
Beemar kyon na kare shaadi? (Why sick persons are not free for marriage?)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kab aarambh karenge hum sarthak charcha? (When will we start meaningful discussion?)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kyon chhupayi jaa rahi hai Bhartiya krishi se sambandhit khabarain? [Sandarbha: Ghatia Australiai Gahun aur Jahrila Jatropha] Why news related to Indian Agriculture are sensored? [Reference: Import of poor quality Australian wheat and poisonous Jatropha]-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Sawdhan! Vinash ke beej aa rahen hain.[Sandharbha: Australiai Garar Ghas ka khatra.] Be aware! Seeds of destruction are coming. (Reference: Danger of Australian Parthenium.]-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kitna kum jante hain hum vishmukt Parwal ke vishay main? (We know less about poison free Parwal.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Muh ke chhale aur hamara paramparik chikitsakiya gyan. (Ulcers in mouth and our traditional medicinal knowledge).- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Sher bhi janta hai Doob ke guno ko, phir aap kyon nahi? (Lion also knows about properties of Doob then why don't you?)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Sundar dikhna chahate hain to Bhartiya kisano ke paas jayen. (If you want to look beautiful then go to Indian farmers.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Swasthya ke liye aparipakva chikitsa vigyan ka sahara, bhala kahan tak uchit? (Support of immature medical science for health, is it justificable?)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kitni Safal Hogi Ayur-Allopathy? (Up to what extent Ayur-Allopathy will get success?-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Nav-vivahiton ke liyr anoothe swadisht aur paushtik uphar. (Special tasty and nutritious gifts for newly wed couples.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aag to lagne hi wali hai chalo kua khod lain. (Fire is certain then why don't start digging well?)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Gajar Ghas abhiyan kyo ban gayen hai mahaj aupcharikta? (Why Parthenium awareness progams are becoming formalities now?)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Yaha aant nahi shuruaat ho. Sandarbha: Sheetal payo main keetnashakon ki upasthiti ka khulasa. (This must be begining not end. Reference: Exposure on presence of pesticides in cold drinks.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aiye banaye setu vanoshadhi utpadakon aur antarrashtriya kretaon ke beech. (Lets make bridge between medicinal herb producers and International buyers.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Machharon se hame bachao priya Dragonfly. (Dear Dragonfly please protect us from mosquitos.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aushadhiya phaslon ki vyavsaik kheti main dhyan rakhne yogya kuchh baten. (Some important tips for commercial cultivation of medicinal crops.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Patalkumhda ya Vidarikand : Mahatvapurna aushadhiya Bel. (Patalkumhda ya Vidarikand : Important medicinal climber.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Chhattisgarh ke maidan main kharif phasalon ke aushadhiya kharpatwar aevam unke upyog. (Uses of medicinal weeds of Kharif crops in Plains of Chhattisgarh.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Chhattisgarh ke haanikarak kharpatwaron se Homoeopathic dava nirman ki sambhavnayain. (Possibilities of preparing Homoeopathic drugs from harmful weeds of Chhattisgarh.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aap kaun sa keeda khana pasand karenge? (Which insect do you want to eat.?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Bhartiya jadi-butiyon ke vishay main paramparik gyan ka samrakshan : Samay ki avshyakta. (Conservation of traditional knowledge about Indian medicinal herbs : Need of the day.) -Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Videshi taknikon ko apnakar kanhi hum apni krishi ko chaupat to nahi kar rahe? (Are we damaging our Agriculture by adopting foreign technologies?)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Kharpatwaron main kharpatwarnashiyon ke prati badhti pratirodhakta : Kaun jimmedar? (Increasing resistance in weeds against weedicides : Who is responsible?)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Vanoshadhiyan jinhone duniya badal di. (Medicinal herbs that changed the world)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aakhir kab karenge hum deshi paudhon ki kadra? (When will we take care of indigenous trees?)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Upyogi kharpatwaron ke prati badalna hoga najariya.(Need to change attitude towards useful weeds.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Mangium ki kheti : Kitni uchit kitni unuchit. (Cultivation of Mangium : Justificable or not?)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Aakhir kab tak chhala jata rahega Chhattisgarh ka Adivasi? : Amulya paramparik gyan khatre main. (Till when the tribal of Chhattisgarh will be cheated? : Valuable Traditional Knowledge is in danger.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Genda : Naye upyogon ne badhai unterrashtriya maang. (Genda : New uses have increased international demand.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aushadhiya phasel Sarpgandha : Vyavsaik kheti kitni laabhdayak? (Medicinal crop Sarpgandha : Is commercial cultivation profitable?)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah January. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month January.)
Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah February. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month February.)
Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah March. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month March.)
Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah April. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month April.)
Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah May. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month May.)
Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah June. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month June.)
Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah July. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month July.)
Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah August. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month August.)
Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah September. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month September.)
Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah November. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month November.)
Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah December. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month December.)
Oudhia P.
Vaniki aur aushadhiya vrikshon ke liye masik krishi karyamala. Maah October. (Monthly calendar of Agricultural practices for medicinal and forestry trees. Month October.)
Oudhia P.
Aiye jane Kapas ke aushodhiya gun. (Lets know medicinal properties of Kapas)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Mut lijiye Homoeopathic dawayen bina chikitsakiya paramarsh ke. (Donot take Homoeopathic medicine without consulting Doctor.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Bans ugayen laabh kamayen. (Grow Bans and get profit.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Sheetkalin khaddyan phaslon ke aushadhiya gun. (Medicinal properties of winter season food crops.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Jal Kumbhi : Ek ghatak jaliya kharpatwar. (Jal Kumbhi : Obnoxious aquatic weed.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kya aapke khet main Xanthium hai? (Is Xanthium present in your field?)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Manushyon va phaslon dono hi ke liye haanikarak hai Blister Beetle. (Blister Beetle is harmful to both human beings and crops.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Roshni utpann karne vale anokhe jeev. (Unique light emitters.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aushadhiya paudhon se judi rochak kahaniyan. (Interesting stories associated with medicinal herbs.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Kanhi aap paragkano se hone wali Allergy ke shikar to nahi hain? (Are you victim of pollen allergy?)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha. Khejri. (Useful trees of our surroundings. Khejri.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha. Khamhar. (Useful trees of our surroundings. Khamhar.)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Kutaj.(Useful trees of our surroundings- Kutaj)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Tad.(Useful trees of our surroundings- Tad)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Jamun. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Jamun)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Chironji. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Chironji)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Sheesham. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Sheesham)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Subabool. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Subabool)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Pipal. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Pipal)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Sal. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Sal)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Mahua. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Mahua)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Chandan. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Chandan)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Harra. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Harra)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Aapke bageeche main lage sajawati phool kanhi aap ke swasthya ke liye hanikarak to nahi? (Are ornamentals in your home garden harmful to your health?)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Apni grih-vatika ko aushadhiya paudho se sajayain, sundarta aur swasthya laabh dono payen. (Decorate your home garden with medicinal plants, get both beauty as well as health benefits.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugne wale upyogi kharpatwar- Kuthua. (Useful weeds of our surroundings)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugne wale upyogi kharpatwar- Saji Booti. (Useful weeds of our surroundings- Saji Booti.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugne wale upyogi kharpatwar- Doobi. (Useful weeds of our surroundings- Doobi.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugne wale upyogi kharpatwar- Aakash Mool. (Useful weeds of our surroundings- Aakash Mool.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugne wale upyogi kharpatwar- Bheeshat. (Useful weeds of our surroundings- Bheeshat.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugne wale upyogi kharpatwar- Bhatkatiya. (Useful weeds of our surroundings- Bhatkatiya.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugne wale upyogi kharpatwar- Untkatara. (Useful weeds of our surroundings- Untkatara.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugne wale upyogi kharpatwar- Karmatta Bhaji. (Useful weeds of our surroundings- Karmatta Bhaji.)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ugne wale upyogi kharpatwar- Jal Kumbhi. (Useful weeds of our surroundings- Jal Kumbhi.)-Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Varun. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Varun)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Makar Tendu. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Makar Tendu)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Al. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Al)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Harpha revadi. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Harpha revadi)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Nirmali. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Nirmali)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Marodphali. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Marodphali)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Shyonak. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Shyonak)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Reetha. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Reetha)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Kokum. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Kokum)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Kuchla. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Kuchla)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Bhorsal. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Bhorsal)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Maida. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Maida)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Padri. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Padri)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Kaitha. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Kaitha)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Dhawai. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Dhawai)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Dikamali. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Dikamali)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Paniala. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Paniala)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Minjari. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Minjari)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Amra. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Amra)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Kumbhi. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Kumbhi)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Vilayati Shisham. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Vilayati Shisham)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Deshi Badam. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Deshi Badam)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Jungle Jalebi. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Jungle Jalebi)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Sinatha. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Sinatha)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Lal Jhau. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Lal Jhau)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Vilayati Babool. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Vilayati Babool)- Hindi Article.
Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Bhoj Patra. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Bhoj Patra)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Hizzal. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Hizzal)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Dhaura. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Dhaura)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Hamare aas-paas ke upyogi vriksha- Sultan Champa. (Useful trees of our surroundings- Sultan Champa)- Hindi Article.

Oudhia P.
Chhattisgarh ki mati bhi samridha hai aushadhiya guno main. (Soil of Chhattisgarh is also rich in medicinal properties.)
Oudhia P.
Vanoshadhiyon ke naam per adharit gaonon ke naam nibha rahe hain aham bhoomika shodh ke kshetra main. (Village names based on names of medicinal herbs are playing important role in the field of research.)
Oudhia P.
Sickling, AIDS jaise asadhya rogon ke upchar main Africi niti kargar. (African policies are effective in treatment of incurable diseases like Sickling and AIDS.)
Oudhia P.
Kai prakar ke vishtha ka prayog bhi karte hain Chhattisgarh ke paramparik chikitsak. (Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh use many types of excreta also.)
Oudhia P.
SARS ke upchar main Chhattisgarh ki vanoshadhiyan bun sakti hain meel ka patthar. (Medicinal herbs of Chhattisgarh can become milestone in treatment of SARS.)
Oudhia P.
Mansoon ki pahli varsha : Chhattisgarh ke paramparik chikitsakon ke liye amrit-tulya. (First monsoon rains : The elixir of life for the Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh.)
Oudhia P.
Chhattisgarh ke vanya pashu bhi karte hain vanoshadhiyon ka prayog. (Wild animals of Chhattisgarh also use medicinal herbs.)
Oudhia P.
Aasmani bijli se jhulse vriksha bhi aushadhi ke roop main upyogi.(Trees injured by lightening are also useful as medicine.)
Oudhia P.
Bina kisi adhunik prayogshala ke Chhattisgarh ke paramparik chikitsak pata lagate hain rogon ka. (The Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh diagnose diseases without help of modern labs.)
Oudhia P.
Shahad ki gunvatta ke adhar per nau bhagon main bata ja sakta hai Chhattisgarh ko. (On the basis of quality of Honey Chhattisgarh can be divided in nine parts.)
Oudhia P.
145 se bhi adhik vanoshadhiyon ka prayog karte hain Hirday rog ke liye Chhattisgarh ke paramparik chikitsak.(Over 145 species of medicinal herbs are used in treatment of Heart disease by Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh.)
Oudhia P.
{{Haemophilia}g} ke rogiyon ko bhi rahat pahucha rahe hain Chhattisgarh ke paramparik chikitsak. (Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh are providing relief to patients having Haemophilia.)
Oudhia P.
Makkhiyan badha sakti hain aapke balon ki khoobsurti. (Houseflies can increase beauty of your hairs.)
Oudhia P.
Bhishan aag se suraksha pradan kar sakti hain Chhattisgarh ki vanoshadhiyan. (Medicinal herbs of Chhattisgarh can provide protection from fire.)
Oudhia P.
Vanoshadhiyon se taiyar herbal vastra aapko rakh sakte hain rogmukt.(Herbal clothes prepared from medicinal herbs can keep you disease free.)
Oudhia P.
Safed Musli ki terah nai jatiyan Chhattisgarh ke vano main. (Thirteen new species of Safed Musli are in Chhattisgarh forest.)
Oudhia P.
Chain ki neend sula sakti hain Chhattisgarh ki vanoshadhiyan. (Medicinal herbs of Chhattisgarh can provide sound sleep.)
Oudhia P.
Bahut kuchh batati hain hamare aas-paas ki vanoshadhiyan. (Herbs in our surroundings tell much.)
Oudhia P.
Roggrast vanoshadhiyan bhi rogon ke upchar main sahayak. (Diseased medicinal herbs are also useful in treatment of diseases.)
Oudhia P.
Vanoshadhiyan nibha sakti hain aham bhoomika phsalotpadan main. (Medicinal herbs can play important role in crop production.)
Oudhia P.
Aankho ko diva drishtiyukt bana sakti hain Chhattisgarh ki vanoshadhiyan. (Medicinal herbs of Chhattisgarh can give divine power to your eyes.)
Oudhia P.
Vrikshon ki prakritik upasthiti madad kar sakti hain phasalotpadan main. (Natural presence of trees can help in crop production.)
Oudhia P.
Bahate huye rakt ko rokna hai to Chane ki illi ka prayog karen.(If you want to stop bleeding then use Gram caterpillar.)
Oudhia P.
Migraine ke rogiyon ko rahat pahucha sakti hain Chhattisgarh ki vanoshadhiyan. (Medicinal herbs of Chhattisgarh can provide relief to patients having Migraine.)
Oudhia P.
Jalmagn kheto main kaam karne vale shramikon ko rahat pahucha sakti hain Chhattisgarh ki vanoshadhiyan. (Medicinal herbs of Chhattisgarh can provide relief to field workers working in flooded fields.)
Oudhia P.
Diar ko bhi aushadhi ke roop main prayog karte hain Paramparik chkitsak. (Termite is also used as medicine by Traditional Healers.)
Oudhia P.
Mansik tanav se nijat dilwa sakti hai Chhattisgarh ki Bhoolan Jadi. (Bhoolan Jadi of Chhattisgarh can cure your mental tension.)
Oudhia P.
Pachhis prakar ke rogon ki chikitsa main kekdo ka prayog karte hain Paramparik chikitsak. (Traditional Healers use Crab in treatment of 25 types of diseases.)
Oudhia P.
Chhattisgarh main Kevatch ki Pachhis se bhi adhik nai jatiyan. (Over 25 species of Kevatch exist in Chhattisgarh.)
Oudhia P.
Kisano ki tarah Paramparik chikitsak bhi mante hain Kechuon ko upyogi. (Like farmers Traditional Healers also consider Earthworms useful.)
Oudhia P.
Videshi kharpatwaron ke aushadhiya upyog bhi viksit kar liye hain Chhattisgarh ke Paramparik chikitsakon ne. (Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh have developed new medicinal uses of exotic weeds.)

Oudhia P.
Chane ke paudho per jami os ki boondain kai rogon se dilwa sakti hain chhutkara. (Dew drops on Gram plants can provide rid from many diseases).
Oudhia P.
Kharpatwaron ki sahayata se jwar ki chikitsa karte hain Paramparik chikitsak. (Traditional Healers treat fever with the help of weeds.)

Oudhia P.
Vrikshon ki chhav aapko bana sakti hain rogi. (Tree shade can make you sick.)
Oudhia P.
Gunja ki nau jatiyan Chhattisgarh ke vano main. (Nine species of Gunja are in forests of Chhattisgarh.)

Oudhia P.
Sattar prakar ke vanoshadhiya mishrano ka prayog karte hain jangli janwaron ke katne per Paramparik Chikitsak.(Traditional Healers use seventy types of herbal combinations in treatment of bites by wild animals.)
Oudhia P.
Sarpon ko aakarshit aur door rakhne wali vanoshadhiyon se bhare pade hain Chhattisgarh ke van. (Chhattisgarh forests are full of snake attractant and repellent herbs.)
Oudhia P.
Aushadhiya keet Bhavari aur vanoshadhiyon ki sahayata se hoti hai Mirgi ki chikitsa. (With the help of medicinal insect Bhavri and medicinal herbs Epilepsy is treated.)

Oudhia P.
Haddi jodne ke maharathi Paramparik chikitsak videshon main ho rahe hain lokpriya. (Traditional Healers having expertise in Bone setting are becoming popular in foreign countries.)
Oudhia P.
Purane vrikshon se taiyyar Belano se ki jati hai Pakshaghat ki chikitsa. ({{Paralysis}g} is treated with the help of rollers prepared from old trees.)
Oudhia P.
Hicki se rogon ki pahachan karte hain Chhattisgarh ke Paramparil chikitsak. (Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh diagnose diseases with the help of Hiccough.)
Oudhia P.
Aushadhiya kharpatwar dete hain mukti krimi rogon se. (Medicinal weeds give relief from worm troubles.)
Oudhia P.
Balyavastha main ki kathin rogon ki pahachan per jor dete hain Paramparik chikitsak. (Traditional Healers give emphasis in identification of complicated diseases since childhood.)
Oudhia P.
Paramparil vyanjano, sharbaton aur vanoshadhiyon se hoti hai Pathri ki paramparik chikitsa.(With the help of traditional dishes, shurbut and medicinal herbs Renal Calculi is treated traditionally.)
Oudhia P.
130 prakar ke gharelu nuskhon ka paramparik upyog hota hai kaan ke rogon main. (Over 130 types of home remedies are used traditionally in treatment of ear related diseases.)
Oudhia P.
Raktoshnata ko kum kar phode-funsiyon ki chikitsa karte hain Paramparik chikitsak. (By reducing unwanted heat of blood the Traditional Healers treat boils and related troubles.)
Oudhia P.
Herbal Cigarette ki avdharna Chhattisgarh main pidhiyon purani. (Concept of Herbal Cigarettes is known since generations in Chhattisgarh.)

Oudhia P.
Pasine ke karan utpann vikaron ka samadhan bhi hai paramparik chikitsakon ke paas.(Traditional Healers are having solutions for troubles associated with excessive sweating.)
Oudhia P.
95 prakar ki vanoshadhiyon se ki jati hai Kanth rogon ki chikitsa. (95 types of medicinal herbs are used in treatment of throat related troubles.)
Oudhia P.
Lakdi ke bhagono aur shurbut se hoti hai Tilli rogon ki Paramparil chikitsa.(With the help of wooden bowls and shurbut spleen related diseases are treated traditionally.)
Oudhia P.
Tees prekar ki vanoshadhiyon se hoti hai Corn ki chikitsa.(30 types of medicinal herbs are used in treatment of Corn.)

Oudhia P.
Aushadhiya vrikshon ki chhal se ki jati hai updansh ki paramparik chikitsa. (Syphilis is treated with the help of bark of medicinal trees.)
Oudhia P.
Dublapan door kar sakti hai Chhattisgarh ki vanoshadhiyan. (Chhattisgarh herbs can help you in getting rid from slimness.)
Oudhia P.
Ghavo ki chikitsa main 155 prakar ki vanoshadhiyon ka paramparik prayog. (Traditional uses of 155 types of medicinal herbs in treatment of wound.)
Oudhia P.
Shurbaton aur aushadhiya Dhan se hoti hai vaman ki chikitsa.(With the help of Shurbut and medicinal rice vomiting is treated.)
Oudhia P.
Teji is vilupt ho raha hai Kusth rog se sambandhit paramparik gyan. (We are loosing traditional knowledge about Leprosy very rapidly.)

Oudhia P.
65 prakar ki aushadhiyon se hoti hai ghutne ke dard ki Paramparik chikitsa. (65 types of medicinal herbs are used in traditional treatment of knee pain.)
Oudhia P.
Pasli rogon ko kathin nahi mante hain Paramparik chikitsak. (Rib troubles are not considered complicated by Traditional Healers.)
Oudhia P.
150 prakar ke vrikshon ki gond ka paramparik prayog. (Traditional uses of gum of 150 types of medicinal trees.)
Oudhia P.
400 prakar kay phoolon se hoti hai rogon ki chikitsa. (Diseases are treated with the help of 400 types of flowers.)
Oudhia P.
Muh ke chhalon se ki jati hai rogon ki pahachan. (With the help of mouth ulcers diseases are identified.)
Oudhia P.
Aushadhiya mittiyon se ki jati hai muhanso ki chikitsa. ({{Acne}g} is treated with the help of medicinal soils.)
Oudhia P.
Pariwar niyojan main aham bhumika nibha sakti hain bandhykarak vanoshadhiyan. (Contraceptive medicinal herbs can play vital role in family planning.)
Oudhia P.
90 prakar ki vanoshadhiyon se ki jati hai Ajeerna ki chikitsa. (90 types of medicinal herbs are used in treatment of Indigestion.)
Oudhia P.
Nana prakar ke telon se hoti hai kamar dard ki chikitsa. (Many types of medicinal oils are used in treatment of Lumbago.)

Oudhia P.
Vanoshadhiyon ki sahayata se ki jati hai Ju ki chikitsa. (Lice is managed with the help of medicinal herbs.)
Oudhia P.
125 prakar ki vanoshadhiyan garbhnashak ke roop main upyogi. (125 type of medicinal herbs are used in Abortion.)
Oudhia P.
Haklahat ki chikitsa main 50 prakar ki vanoshadhiyon ka paramparik upyog. (Traditional use of 50 types of medicinal herbs in treatment of Stammering.)
Oudhia P.
Budhape ko rokna jante hain Chhattisgarh ke Paramparik chikitsak. (Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh know the ways to stop ageing.)
Oudhia P.
Masso ki upasthiti se rogon ka pata lagate hain Paramparik chikitsak. (With the help of warts diseases are identified by Traditional Healers.)
Oudhia P.
80 prakar ki vanoshadhiyon se ki jati hai Sukhandi ki chikitsa. (80 types of medicinal herbs are used in treatment of Marasmus.)

Oudhia P.
Chhattisgarh ki vanoshadhiyan aur aushadhiya keet pahucha sakte hai rahat Diabetes ke rogiyon ko. (Medicinal herbs and insects of Chhattisgarh can provide relief to the patients having Diabetes.)

Oudhia P.
Samne aane lage hain jaharile Ratanjot aur iske vyapak ropan ke dushparinam. (Harmful effects of Jatropha and its large scale plantation are now coming on surface.)
Oudhia P.
Aiye milkar banayen Jaivik kheti ko lokpriya. (Lets popularise organic farming.)
Oudhia P.
Prakriti main kuchh bhi nahi hai bekar. (Nothing is waste in Nature.)
Oudhia P.
Aik aur 'Chipko Aandolan' ki baat joh rahain hain Niyamgiri ke saghan van. (Dense forests of Niyamgiri are waiting for another 'Chipko Aandolan'.)
Oudhia P.
Aushadhi phasel Bach ki vartaman dasha aur disha. (Hindi Article on Present status and direction of medicinal crop Bach.}

Oudhia P.
Swarna nirman se cancer tak ke liye upyogi Chhattisgarh ke Peele Palash. (Yellow Palash of Chhattisgarh is useful for gold making to cancer.)- Hindi Press Release.

Oudhia P.
25,000 Aushadhiya mishrano ka aham bhag hai bekar samjha jane wala Charota. (Socalled waste plant Charota is used in over 25,000 traditional formulations)- Hindi Press Release.

Oudhia P.
Kya hum itne bebas ho chuke hain machharon ke samne. (Are we helpless in front of Mosquitoes?)-Hindi Article.

Oudhia, P.
Ab to taubaa kar leejiye Noni se. (Now say enough to Noni.)-Hindi Article. अब तो तौबा कर लीजिये नोनी से।

कुश पत्र पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज, , पिंडमूलक पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज, , विलायती पेठा पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज, , पिंडकर्कटी पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज, पिंड पुष्प पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज, जवा पुष्प पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज, पिंड तरु पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज, पित्तद्रावी पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज, पित्तला पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज, जल पीपल पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , तवाखीर पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पीट काष्ठ पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पिंड फल पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पिंड पुष्पक पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पीतशाल पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पीतसार पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पीतसारक पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पीवरी पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , सालवन पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पुटकंद पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , सुरसा कंद पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , राक्षस कंद पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , राम कंद पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , रावण कन्द पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , सीता कन्द पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पुण्डरीकाक्ष पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , सफेद कुशा पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पुत्रप्रदा पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पुत्रक्न्दा पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पुष्कर मूल पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पुलकी पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पुष्प चामर पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पुष्पप्रियक पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पुष्पशून्य पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पूतगंध पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पुष्पसौरभा पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पूति काष्ठक पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पूतिपत्र पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पूतिपुष्प पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पूतिमयूरिका पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पूतीक पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पूतिमेद पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , गंधपलाशी पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पृथुपलाशिका पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पृथ्वी कुरबक पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , पेचुली पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रतिफला पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रतिवात पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रचंडमूर्ति पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रचंडा पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रतिविष्णुक पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , मुचकुंद पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रपथ्या पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रपन्नाड पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रपुरिका पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रभाकर पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रमद पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रसातिका पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रसूका पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रस्थपुष्प पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्राक्फल पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रसाधिका पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , सफेद कटेरी पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रियंकरी पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्रसू पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्लीहा शत्रु पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्लाक्ष पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , प्लवग पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , महा शतावरी पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , फ्लाम्बु पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , फलेन्द्र पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , फालिनी पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , बदरामलक पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज , वदरीफला पर वैदिक औषधि कोष में पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज ,


दस लाख पन्ने जोड पाना निश्चित ही प्रसन्नता देता है
हमें भी प्रसन्न्ता देता है पंकज जी। बहुत बधाई लैण्डमार्क उपलब्धि के लिये।
What is the name of the herb Paalnangai in Hindi or Punjabi or in English?

Paalnangai - for Leucoderma and leprosy
Ratha boodhali - for piles and other related ailments
Pambu kallaakka root - for Snakebites and scorpion stings
Marudham pattai - for gastric troubles and indigestion
Saladhi - for several sexually transmitted diseases

I have picked it up from


Kindly inform

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